About Us

Hello there! 🙂

We’re Shakir and Mary, the founders and editors of ‘The Life Hype.’ We’re an ardent foodie who can’t resist yummy delicacies, be it street food or a high-end restaurant. After all, it’s the taste that matters! We also fancy fitness and healthy living and trust natural remedies, so you’ll find many natural remedies on the blog.

The Life Hype is a blog based on lifestyle, entertainment, fitness, food, travel, reviews, and much more. In short, it’s everything I enjoy reading and sharing. You’ll find posts that are entertaining, informational, and useful. We hope you have a good time reading the posts.

You can get in touch with me through these social media handles:

Facebook: facebook.com/thelifehype

If you are looking to collaborate, check out the contact page.

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