9 Ways to Help Someone with Schizophrenia Who Doesn’t Want Help

To be a part of every aspect of life – school, work, relationships, a schizophrenic person needs a considerable amount of help from their family members and loved ones.

It is often quite challenging for the patient and for the people who want to help them. But it is not impossible.

Help Someone with Schizophrenia

With constant support and getting help for mental illness for a family member, a schizophrenic person can improve their quality of life with healthy habits.

We have nine ways to go through and get insight into how to help someone with schizophrenia who doesn’t want help.

What not to say to people suffering from schizophrenia

People with schizophrenia might not have an idea about their illness or that they need medical help. Yet, they need to have regular doctor appointments. Chances are, earlier treatments will lead to better results.

However, motivating them doesn’t include putting up arguments of why their voices are not real or why they should believe they have an illness. The right way to encourage is to tell them how the treatment will guide them to achieve their goals.

Help them avoid drugs and alcohol

Experiencing schizophrenic symptoms cannot be lively and pleasing, and symptoms like hearing voices may push the patients to take help from external sources like drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol often make them feel different.

But a temporary solution like alcohol and drugs has long-term effects and cannot be relied upon to improve overall health. You, as a caregiver, can get rid of drugs and liquor bottles and let them know how it cannot help them reach their goal.

Let them know maintaining a healthy weight is important

The side effects of medications can include weight gain, leading to risks like obesity and other health-related problems. To maintain a healthy diet, a patient needs to eat a balanced and nutritious diet, but they might not always plan their meals.

You can join them for their grocery shopping and talk to them about healthy eating. For extra help, you can hire a nutritionist who can help in your meal planning.

Remind them about medications

People with schizophrenia might overlook the positive impact on their mental health due to medications, but the side effects cannot go unnoticed. Unfortunately, some of these side effects can be quite terrifying, like tiredness, dizziness, muscle cramps, weight gain, etc., which will lead to demotivation and withdrawal from medications.

This might end up with the patient stopping and then forgetting their medications, but they can always use a reminder from their loved ones. Medical calendars with medication details can help a person with schizophrenia to remember taking medicines regularly.

How to deal with a schizophrenic partner who is stressed

Stress is not a good factor for a person in general, but a person with schizophrenia may trigger a relapse. A noisy and chaotic environment and other sources of stress can enhance delusions and other schizophrenia symptoms. A person with schizophrenia needs to feel safe and respected, so keeping a quiet and safe environment is always recommended.

Trying to micro-manage them is the wrong approach

Schizophrenia is known to set during adolescence when the younger minds are seeking independence and freedom. But regardless of the age, a schizophrenic person doesn’t want you to micro-manage them or nag them for taking pills or clean their rooms.

But what you can do is ask them to focus on their goals and take steps to achieve them. It is essential to avoid power struggles and work on activities that benefit the patient.

Help them keep their social skills intact

Schizophrenic people have a different sleep cycle. They can spend the whole night staying up alone and then wake up later in the afternoon. Late sleeping can not only disturb routines but make them encourage isolation more.

It might seem like there’s nothing much one can do, but some things can work, like, taking an active role with their community program, taking them to park each week, etc.

Prepare and know when to interfere

Indeed, they don’t like to be micro-managed, but sometimes people with schizophrenia can avoid all kinds of medications and help, and you will see their health deteriorating. You should know that in such a case, they need external help even though they don’t accept it. In some cases, they might need to be hospitalized.

Learn the signs of suicide

People with schizophrenia are not at risk for other people but can be to themselves. Sometimes, it is likely that they will try to take their own life. If you find them talking about anything about taking their lives or about death, pay attention and take them seriously.

Final word

Remember that medications take time, and while sometimes their attitude might seem annoying to you, you shouldn’t take them personally.

Note their highs and lows, and sometimes they can get cheerful beyond your imagination. While you might want to join their enthusiasm, know that this can be one of the signs or symptoms.

To read more about therapy for Schizophrenia, head over to BetterHelp.com.

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