8 Best Teas for Acne Prone Skin for a Clearer skin

Isn’t it wonderful to find a magic potion that can eliminate your irritating breakouts and leave you with clearer and glowing skin? Some teas for acne can help you achieve that clear face.

What if that portion tastes delicious? Well, we all drink this magic potion almost every day. I know, right what you’re thinking – it’s your morning cup of tea!

Best Teas for Acne Prone Skin

As well as offering warmth and hydration, tea also inhibits bacteria, promotes energy, helps you relax, and eliminates acne and wrinkles.

Although not all teas provide the same benefits, many of them have been used for centuries to enhance beauty. It has anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, one of the most unexpected and budget-friendly beauty must-haves.

Unlike other acne treatments, tea might not be as effective, but the side effects are far fewer. You can also use them externally to treat acne.

We have put together a list of some teas that are good for fighting acne.

Dandelion tea

Native Americans have used dandelion to improve their skin for centuries. Hence, herbalists and naturopathic doctors alike recommend it in practice.

Dandelion improves liver function, purifies the blood, and removes toxic substances from the body. It does this by stimulating bile production and promoting its flow. As a result of the root’s bitterness, digestive juices flow from saliva to bile, promoting detoxification and helping the liver eliminate waste and help you rid of acne.

Dandelion root contains antioxidants that prevent premature aging as well as vitamins A, B, C, iron, potassium, and zinc, which all work together to ensure healthy skin.

Rooibos tea

Rooibos is a native plant to South Africa. This plant is also known as Red Bush and has been widely used in traditional medicine for centuries. The antioxidant, antibacterial, and immunizing properties of Rooibos tea make this tea effective in treating acne.

The Rooibos tea contains three major antioxidants that provide broad protection against harmful free radicals, and these antioxidants are active on the skin and prevent skin damage. Chemical constituents of this tea may help regulate the immune system and contribute to acne breakouts by regulating acne response.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile has been used to treat a wide variety of skin conditions, such as eczema, wounds, burns, bruises, sores, and skin irritations. It prevents bacteria, fungi, and toxins from growing on the skin.

Due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties, it is considered one of the best teas for acne. You can also rub the leaves of chamomile tea on acne scars to fade them. To reduce swelling and redness, apply frozen chamomile tea bags to pimples.

Chamomile tea can reduce stress, so it is great for reducing stress-related breakouts. When you are stressed out, try drinking some chamomile tea. As a result, you will be able to relax.

Spearmint tea

Spearmint tea is anti-androgenic and known to prevent hormonal imbalances, which are known to cause acne breakouts. You should try spearmint tea if acne is caused by an excess of hormones like testosterone and androgen.

Women who suffer from hormonal imbalances such as PCOS should take this tea as this increases the production of the female hormone estrogen.

Spearmint tea protects the skin from oxidative damage by acting as an antioxidant. When sebum quickly oxidizes, it hardens and clogs up pores, causing a breakout. The tea reduces sebum on the skin.

This tea is mostly recommended for women experiencing adult acne, which shows up during menstrual cycles. Due to its effect on hormones, spearmint tea should only be consumed in moderate amounts.

Burdock tea 

The burdock plant is a weed often cultivated in North America but originates in Europe and northern Asia. Japan mainly cultivates it for its roots and eats it as a vegetable called gobo.

Burdock is firm, crisp, and has a sweet earthy smell. It has a nutty, herbaceous flavor and is packed with micronutrients. To get the most flavors, it is recommended that you don’t peel the skin off.

Burdock is high in antioxidants and soluble fiber, as well as antifungal and antibiotic properties. The ability of this weed to support the liver makes it a good natural remedy for treating acne.

Tulsi green tea

The herb is commonly known as tulsi (tool-si), which means “the incomparable one” in Hindi. It has been used for hundreds of years as a tension-taming tonic.

The health benefits of tulsi green tea have been well documented for thousands of years. Tea is excellent for balancing hormones naturally. Hormone imbalance can result in weight gain, fatigue, and, yes, acne, so this tea is one of the best for acne-prone skin.

Teas like tulsi, which attack acne’s cause from the inside out, can be a great way to help treat acne.

Stinging Nettle tea

Easily spotted in gardens, stinging nettle has heart-shaped green leaves with long, stinging hairs. Brushing the hair against the skin injects chemicals into it.

The plant is used primarily as a natural remedy for skin, hair, kidneys, and PMS. It is rich in vitamin A, B, C, and D, and silica, which strengthens hair and nails. Inflamed pimples benefit from their ability to reduce inflammation.

Stinging nettle is also a gentle detoxifier that flushes harmful toxins and chemicals from the body. The tea also acts as a natural astringent. For acne, pour some nettle tea into a dark glass bottle and add a few drops of tea tree oil.

Green tea

Especially for acne, green tea is considered a powerful tea. Due to its rich antioxidant content, green tea effectively reduces acne since it prevents oxidative damage by harmful free radicals.

You can use green tea daily for a few weeks to reduce outbreaks of acne and excessive sebum production without experiencing serious side effects if your acne is due to oily skin. As a natural antimicrobial agent, zinc in green tea can treat acne.

How to apply the tea to your skin for acne?

While preparing and drinking tea may be straightforward, applying herbal tea to the skin requires some knowledge.

Best Teas for Acne Prone Skin

  1. Start by preparing your tea for use on the skin. Among the teas listed above, you can choose one.
  2. For about five minutes, steep your tea bags or tea leaves in warm boiled water.
  3. Remove the tea bags and let the tea cool to avoid burning your skin.
  4. When using leaves, filter them out and place them on a clean paper towel for later use.
  5. Allow the tea to cool even more.

Both the leaves and the tea can be applied to the skin. After you are done preparing your tea, here is how you can apply it to the skin:

  1. Wash and rinse your skin with a soap or cleanser.
  2. Apply the cooled brewed tea to your face using a cotton ball.
  3. If you use loose tea leaves, you can mix the leaves in with the tea.
  4. After the tea has dried on the skin, let it sit for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it off.

How to make a tea treatment for acne

  1. Soak a small, clean cloth or towel in the tea to make a poultice (a soft, moist mass of cloth).
  2. Place the poultice on the affected acne area for 15 minutes and then wash it off.
  3. To prevent dry skin after rinsing, apply a high-quality moisturizer.

These best teas for acne are a fantastic natural treatment. Although these herbal teas and herbs are natural, they can still cause side effects or reactions. Before using it on your face, perform a patch test. If you have any health issues that might make these teas unhelpful, speak to a herbalist or healthcare practitioner.

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