7 Coconut Oil Side Effects on Health When You Overuse It

The love for coconut oil is in the air because it makes the skin feel good when applied. It seems like every life hack involves coconut oil. You should, however, use it in moderation, as with anything else.

coconut side effects
Coconut Oil Side Effects on The Skin

Coconut oil is a natural source of essential vitamins and healthy fats, which have numerous health benefits. But if you’re not well aware, this “miracle” product can cause some skin issues. Surprisingly, a Harvard professor explicitly called coconut oil as ‘pure poison.’

Today, we will review some facts about coconut oil’s potential risks and side effects on skin and health.

It can clog pores

Coconut oil can clog pores and cause blackheads because it is comedogenic. It is not recommended for acne-prone and oily skin types. Acne-prone people should avoid coconut oil due to its tendency to block pores.

Prolonged use of coconut oil can actually make the skin worse. You can use it on your hands and legs after shaving or after a hot shower to effectively moisturize the area, but on the face, it’s a big NO!

It has high-cholesterol

Coconut oil is plant-based, tasty, and downright trendy. It also may have adverse effects on your heart if you use it for the long term.

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, and Saturated fat has been shown to raise LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol. And increased LDL cholesterol levels can risk heart attack and other cardiovascular problems. You can surely use the oil for the short term, but using it daily could be a matter of concern.

It can be a dangerous personal lubricant

Coconut oil can be tempting as a lubricant, but if you aren’t careful, it can be dangerous. It is certainly antibacterial but it can also upset the vaginal pH balance, which puts your sexual health at risk as it can lead to yeast infections.

It is important to know that oil-based lubricants can cause infections and should not be used. Coconut oil can damage or tear condoms and cause them to break, which is the most serious risk of using it as a lubricant.

It’s not the ultimate backup

All the hype around coconut oil on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook is the most dangerous thing about it. We are by no means advising against using coconut oil. It isn’t a miracle product either, we want to make that clear.

There are even some who promote coconut oil as a heart-healthy oil without any scientific evidence. Science does not support this statement. Also, drinking coconut oil daily in coffee is not recommended. (No offense to bullet coffee drinkers) oil is used for cooking- just leave it!

Side Effects of Coconut Oil

It may add harmful chemicals during pregnancy

Coconut oil typically contains additives that are harmful to health. Whether you use refined or unrefined coconut oil, both have potential risks.

Coconut oil is a great beauty and cooking product, especially during pregnancy. Other types of coconut oil may contain harmful ingredients. Those who are pregnant shouldn’t consume it.

To be safe, always read the label whenever you are purchasing a product.

It may cause diarrhea

In some cases, coconut oil can make you sick. Even if you are a healthy individual, coconut oil can cause diarrhea and other gut issues if consumed regularly. A study found that upset stomach and loose stools are the most common side effects. It is highly recommended to consume coconut oil in moderation.

It can cause an allergic reaction

There are no known food allergies associated with coconut. However, it may irritate the skin.

In many skincare products, coconut oil is used, so it is important to know that a mild allergy, if present, can cause a rash. In case you have a food allergy, ingestion can cause a mild or life-threatening reaction, from hives to anaphylaxis.

A word of advice

Whenever you use a new product on your skin, perform a patch test on the inner wrist and wait for 24 hours to see if the area looks normal, you are not allergic to it, and you can safely use it.

I hope you still are friends with Coconut oil. Moderation is key and extra care must be taken when using it. You’ll be fine if you’re careful, and the oil is good for you.

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