Green tea is known for its amazing health benefits.

Green has been historically known in China, and it is evident from the book The Kissa Yojoki, which tells us about its health benefits.
While black tea is oxidized, green tea is not. This is the key difference between the two types of tea leaves. The oxidizing process makes the other teas black in color, and the flavor also intensifies in this process. Green tea is quite a unique tea that contains loads of nutrients, but one question still arises – is green tea acidic? We are here to answer your question, for once and all!
Table of Contents
Health benefits of Green Tea
Because green tea is not oxidized, it is not eradicated from its beneficial qualities, one of them being this powerful source of antioxidants, that is, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).
- Green tea is anti-fatigue and will keep you from exhausting. You get tired as much as you used to before, and you will be boosted up all through the day.
- The second benefit will be that it makes you really calm and soothes you from the inside by reacting with the brain’s receptors.
- Since green tea contains a considerable amount of EGCG, it is considered to help fight cancer by preventing cancer cells’ multiplication according to the different experiments and studies and research.
- It also reduces the liver’s fatty acid and therefore cleanses your body from the inside, making you feel light and active.
- Green tea is anti microbial because it reduces bacteria and viruses from entering the body.
- It contains catechins, which help in decreasing blood cholesterol and also inhibits high blood pressure.
- Green tea contains caffeine, which activates you and keeps you energized. It also prevents bad breath.
- It has vitamins C, B2, and E, which help maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes.
- Improves circulation of hormones and improves blood flow which helps hair growth – See more about that at HairGuard.
What does green tea contain?
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients, which are very beneficial for health.
- A considerable amount of polyphenols, including EGCG, as mentioned above, are the most powerful component of green tea, which helps reduce inflammation and fight cancer. It helps in reducing the number of free radicals in our bodies.
- Caffeine, which is the bitter component of green tea.
- Different types of vitamins like vitamin C help maintain healthy skin and are also a rich source of antioxidants. It has vitamin B2, which maintains a healthy mucus membrane, and vitamin E, an excellent antioxidant.
- Folic acid, which helps in the prevention of arterial sclerosis.
- Minerals like potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, iron, etc., are great regulators and help regulate the body’s functioning.
- Chlorophyll, which makes your body fresh and helps to keep out foul body odor.
- Saponins, which help in preventing influenza and also high blood pressure.
- Fluoride, which prevents tooth decay if used regularly.
What’s the pH level of green tea?
The pH level is the measurement that indicates the acidity or base of a substance. If a substance crosses the pH level of 7, it is considered alkaline in nature, while anything below the pH level of 7 is considered acidic.
The normal pH level of a human body is 7, and therefore it is considered neutral. The pH level of black tea is 4.9 to 5.5, while green tea is 7 to 10 pH level. Therefore, green tea is not acidic, while black or normal regular tea is acidic.
Our body can easily digest food with a pH level of more than 7 compared to that with a pH level of less than 7 or more acidic food, and these foods might also lead to various health problems. Food with a higher pH level helps in maintaining an average weight. It also helps offset some acidic things we typically consume daily, thus helping maintain a normal oH balance of the body.
Most teas are acidic, but green tea is exceptional; therefore, it also helps neutralize the effects of an acidic substance that may have caused to our body, such as a decaying tooth.
Regular teas and beverages can make your teeth decay, but green tea restores the decaying teeth. Therefore, green tea is not acidic. On the other hand, it is alkaline in nature.
Is green tea really acidic?
As mentioned above, green tea has a pH level between 7 to 10, unlike most other types of teas. Anything above the level of 7 in the pH level is alkaline or base in nature, and anything less than that is acidic in nature. Therefore, although most of the types of teas are acidic, green tea is not acidic at all in its original form.
Many factors can make even green tea slightly acidic in nature. Those factors are how often you steep your tea or the tea’s concentration because the more diluted your tea will be, the more alkaline it will be.
A more concentrated green tea is more acidic in nature. Adding things like flavors, milk, or other herbs can fluctuate your tea’s pH level depending on the food substance you are adding. Therefore, green tea is a good alkaline product in itself, but depending on different kinds of factors, as mentioned above, its nature can change.
Does it help in acid reflux?
Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, which causes symptoms such as heartburn, scratchy throat, stomach pain, and a sour taste in the mouth. Acid reflux is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.
Green tea contains Methylxanthines, which help in boosting you up. It releases a substance that helps loosen the lower esophageal sphincter, preventing stomach acid from coming up to the esophagus. The consumption of green tea does not significantly help in acid reflux and depends from person to person.
In particular, naturally brewed green tea does not stimulate acid reflux. Green tea that comes in bottle form can actually worsen the effect of acid reflux. Nowadays, green tea is sold in a blend with mint leaves, which are acidic in nature and can cause acid reflux. Conclusively, it highly depends on person to person as every individual has a different reaction to the effect of green tea.
How much green tea is too much?
Although the amount of green tea consumption depends on person to person but talking about in general, two to five cups of tea a day can give you the best result if consumed regularly. Also, do not confuse cups with mugs. Use a regular-sized cup for drinking your green tea.
How much green tea should you consume per day?
Moderate consumption of green tea may help stomach cancer and boost the metabolism rate of your body. Too much green tea is more than ten cups in a day.
Note: Anyone suffering from caffeine sensitivity or insomnia should not consume more than six to seven cups of green tea, affecting the system adversely.
Therefore, an ideal consumption rate of green tea is a maximum of five to six cups if you have sensitivity towards caffeine or have insomnia, and up to ten cups if you don’t. In any situation, no one should consume more than ten cups of green tea.
What will happen if you consume too much?
Anything in the extreme can be harmful. The same goes for green tea. Consuming more green tea than what your body requires can have negative consequences upon your body.
- Green tea has a substance known as tannins, which can affect the absorption of folic acid. The absence of folic acid can ultimately lead to congenital disabilities.
- It will also affect the absorption of many minerals like iron.
- Too much consumption of green tea can cause a disturbance in the sleeping schedule. It also sometimes causes insomnia due to its caffeine content.
- Drinking too much green tea can cause anxiety because it affects your body’s sleeping schedule and can also lead to nightmares. (Read: Essential Oils for Nightmares)
- Too much green tea might increase the level of blood pressure.
- It can also cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, etc.
- The amount of caffeine in green tea can affect the sugar control level of the blood.
- Pregnant and lactating women should especially take care while consuming green tea. One to two cups of green tea every day is fine, and you should not increase this rate of consumption as it may have negative consequences upon the body.
The Verdict
The pure form of green tea is non-acidic in nature, but bottled green teas can be slightly acidic. Nowadays, green tea comes in many flavors like peppermint, which can increase its acidity level. Therefore if you use flavored green tea regularly, it can cause stomach burning and tooth decay. Whereas unflavored and undiluted green tea can help prevent tooth decay and many liver-related problems.
When used moderately, it can increase the metabolism of your body to maintain normal body weight. Green tea can bring a glow to your face and clear your skin by reducing acne due to its antibacterial properties.
Although it depends on person to person, know your body and observe how green tea best suits your body.