Is Shaving With Coconut Oil a Good Idea?

Coconut oil is a magical, multitasking, and budget-friendly beauty product. What was life before coconut oil? From using it as an under-eye cream to taming frizzy hair to using it as a makeup remover, coconut oil is the finest.

Who could have thought of shaving with coconut oil but to our surprise, it can work as a shaving oil too! If you love to use all-natural products instead of stocking up on chemicals, coconut oil is what you should go for.

Shaving, out of all, is the most common and convenient hair removal method. It does not mean dragging a dry razor, but it entails a few basic steps. Instead of slathering dollops of shaving cream, a few drops of coconut oil will do the job.

shaving with coconut oil

Benefits of Shaving with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has exceptional benefits for the skin. It is a rich source of saturated fatty acids and medium-chain fatty acids that provide immense nourishment and hydration to the skin. The oil is jam-packed with nourishing fatty acids, including caproic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid.

Due to high lauric acid content, coconut oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that can prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Vitamin E in it helps repairs the skin.

This magical oil works as an excellent shave too. Shaving with this oil will leave your skin supple, soft, and hydrated.

Coconut oil helps the razor to glide on easily during the shave. As it has wholesome and moisturizing properties, shaving with coconut oil will provide the skin’s required nourishment without leaving it dry or irritated.

It acts as a protective layer between the skin and the blade. It also provides a closer shave and moisturizes the skin well, making it smooth. Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial and will prevent razor burns.

Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Shaving

  • Use it as a pre-shave oil: The oil will create a protective layer between the skin and the razor. It can also help the razor to glide smoothly. Coconut oil can also act as a base for other creams or soaps.
  • Substitute it for shaving creams: You can use coconut oil as a base for other shaving creams or shaving soaps, but you can use the oil alone to shave. This will give you better results. Using coconut as a shaving cream will also prevent razor bumps and provide enough hydration leaving your skin smooth.
  • Use it as an aftershave: If you have dry skin, you can apply an additional layer of coconut oil. This will provide you extra hydration. This step will help keep the skin soft and prevent it from getting dry and irritated.

Feel free to use coconut oil in whichever way you like.

Shaving with Coconut oil vs. Shaving Cream

You can use coconut oil instead of shaving cream, and it will do a better job. It provides a smooth surface for the razor to glide on.

A pea-sized amount of coconut oil will go a long way! You will require much less coconut oil as compared to shaving cream.

Using coconut oil will help you get a perfect shave in one go, whereas shaving cream may require you to go over the same spot twice.

Coconut oil will leave your skin well hydrated during and after shaving, unlike a shaving cream, which leaves your skin dry and irritated.

Coconut oil also prevents razor burns caused by rigorous shaving.

How to Shave with Coconut Oil?

Here’s how you can use coconut oil for shaving:

1. The first step is to exfoliate before shaving. Use warm water and a gentle brush or an exfoliating cleanser. Avoid using a loofah for exfoliation as it may have a lot of infection carrying bacteria. This step will help in removing dead skin cells and will open the pores for a closer shave. Blocked pores can cause ingrown hair, so always take time to exfoliate. After exfoliating, pat dry your skin while avoiding rubbing.

2. Use warm water to open the pores, which will help you achieve a closer shave. Using warm water will separate hair from the skin and will prevent razor bumps.

3. Always remember to shave after a shower as it will soften the hair and open up the follicles. It also helps in minimizing razor burns. Using a razor on dry skin will over-exfoliate and expose the skin to bacterial contact and irritation.

4. Apply a layer of coconut oil on your skin and let it sink in for a few minutes. If the oil is at room temperature, you can rub it between your hands to melt it. The shower’s heat will open up the pores, allowing the oil to sink in and moisturize the skin.

5. Use a sharp razor to have a close shave. No cream or oil will work well enough if your razor is not sharp. Blunt razors can also cut your skin as they require multiple strokes at the same spot.

6. Rinse the razor with clean water after every few strokes so that the oil doesn’t build up or the razor doesn’t clog with hair or oil, as coconut oil can have a clogging effect on your razor.

7. After shaving, rinse your skin with water and pat dry. Always pat dry and never rub as rubbing can irritate the skin.

Your skin will feel instantly hydrated, moisturized, and comfortable. You can apply an additional layer of coconut oil after shaving to provide extra nourishment for silky smooth skin.

DIY Coconut Oil Shaving Cream

1. Aloe-coconut oil shaving cream

What you’ll need: Aloe vera gel, coconut oil, and essential oil of your choice.

How to prepare?

  1. Take a big pan with a flat surface with water in it. Place it on low flame. Take coconut oil in a smaller bowl and place it on the hot water. The steam will help in melting the oil. Transfer the oil to another bowl.
  2. Add the aloe vera gel in the melted oil and stir well.
  3. Combine the mixture with a few drops of essential oil.
  4. You can store it in a plastic/glass container for 2-3 days as fresh aloe vera has a short shelf life.

2. Shea butter-coconut oil shaving cream

What you’ll need: Shea butter, coconut oil, and essential oil (optional).

How to prepare?

  1. Melt the coconut oil using the same double boiler method.
  2. Add whipped shea butter to the melted oil.
  3. Add essential oils of your own choice. This step is entirely optional.
  4. Refrigerate the mixture until it is hard. Once the mixture hardens, whip it with an electric whisk or by hand until the texture is fluffy.
  5. Store it in a glass/plastic container in a cool, dry place.

Where can you shave with coconut oil?

You can use coconut oil as a shaving cream for every part of your body, starting from your face to your legs. You will have to be a little careful while using coconut oil on your face if you have oily skin, as it is comedogenic. This means it can clog your pores and cause you to break out.

As for the other parts of the body, you can use coconut oil for shaving pubic hair as it provides the required nourishment. Follow the same steps to remove the pubic hair, too but with a little more caution.

What to keep in mind?

It is advisable to rinse your hands before using the razor as coconut oil makes hands slippery, making the razor slip and fall frequently. Be extra careful while using coconut oil in the shower, carefully clean the floor and other bathroom surfaces.

Rinse your razor after every few strokes so that the hair and oil do not clog the blades.
Some people may get allergies from coconut oil and cause irritation on their skin, so always do a patch test beforehand. As mentioned earlier, people with oily skin should be a little careful as it is comedogenic and can clog your pores. Oily skin people can use coconut oil as a pre-shave oil or instead of shaving cream and make sure to rinse thoroughly after shaving.

Bottom line

Coconut oil does the job way better. It provides excellent nourishment to the skin, leaving it soft and supple. It also helps in relieving razor burns as it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

It is advisable to do a patch test before shaving with coconut oil as it may cause irritation and redness to some people. Otherwise, it is an excellent substitute for shaving cream.

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