8 Side Effects of Elaichi or Cardamom

In India, cardamom is known as Elaichi, a seedpod used in a variety of dishes ranging from starters to desserts. Guatemala is currently the world’s largest producer of cardamom. Considered as the “Queen of Spices,” cardamom seeds are triangular and used for aromatic purposes. After saffron and vanilla, it is the world’s third most demanded and expensive spice.

The plant comes from the family Zingiberaceae and is mainly found in two types, green and black cardamom.

In addition to its use as a flavoring spice, Elaichi has numerous medical values due to its rich contents.

It also contains a variety of vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals, which are excellent medicinal products. It also comes with its own set of side effects, did you know? We are going to discuss Elaichi’s benefits in this post, followed by its side effects.

Benefits of Elaichi

elaichi side effects

Improves Digestion

Its pungent and aromatic composition activates taste and sensory elements, thus improving digestion. This further contributes to digestive enzyme secretion, which deals with indigestion, gas, and constipation. Moreover, chemicals present in Elaichi help move food through the intestines easily.

Aids in weight loss

Weight loss is made easier by increased metabolism. The body burns fat instantly when it produces more energy.

Promotes blood sugar level

Manganese in black cardamom greatly lowers blood sugar levels. That promotes low sugar levels.

May helps fight cancer

Elaichi is the enemy of cancer. It increases the production of antioxidants and has the properties of reducing the occurrence of tumors and inflammation. This drug has shown incredible effects in mice induced with colorectal cancer.

Aids in depression

The only thing you need is a pinch of Elaichi in regular tea, and you will be depressed no longer. Research has proven that Elaichi kills depression and does a fantastic job.

Increase in appetite

Treatment of histoplasmosis is greatly improved by its use. Broadly in which, one of the symptoms accounts for the loss of appetite.

Serves great for sexual health

The element cineole is abundant in Elaichi. Elaichi is a nerve stimulant that can boost your passion with just a small pinch. As an Aphrodisiac, it is very effective.

Enhances skin complexion

The skin looks uneven when it has blemishes. Elaichi transforms it into something beautiful. As a result, using products that have Elaichi as an essential oil will make your complexion look amazing.

Great for masking

Elaichi is best used as a face masking. When used as a toner added to a cosmetic, it will put off odor and leave your skin fresh.

Offers great lip care

Elaichi essential oil is always used in cosmetics, such as lip balms, to offer nourishment and keeping lips smooth.

Proves great for hair health

Antioxidant properties help in improving scalp health and make it more nourished. You will see your hair become shinier and lustrous after using it.

How much should one consume?

The consumption of this beautiful spice does not have a fixed ratio, but 1.5 grams is sufficient for everyday health. It varies from person to person and also based on the body’s needs. Furthermore, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and many other properties.

Side effects of Elaichi

elaichi side effects

Elaichi also has some side effects when consumed excessively, which are listed below.


Eliaichi triggers gallstones, so if you have a gallstone, stop consuming it immediately.

Drug interaction of cardamom

Elaichi must be consumed consciously or it might have negative effects. It may interact with some drugs and cause severe problems. If you take any of these drugs – Aspirin, HIV drugs, anticoagulants, etc. – avoid eating it as a mouth freshener.

Allergies due to cardamom

In excess, it tends to cause allergies and many skin problems. Eliaichi overdose causes contact dermatitis, a type of skin allergy. As a result of the excess consumption, respiratory reactions may also occur. The common side effects of overtaking Elaichi are chest discomfort, throat tightness, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

Problems for breastfeeding mother and pregnant women

Consuming Elaichi can cause discomfort to pregnant women. It is necessary to keep a note on necessity consumption only. In some cases, it is better to avoid its use altogether. It can cause nausea or heavy breathing condition.

Affects male fertility

Elaichi has been found to have several negative effects on male fertility according to recent research. Any spice should be consumed within a certain limit. When consumed in large amounts, it can cause severe health problems.

Increases risk of bleeding

Elaichi is known to cause heavy internal bleeding when consumed in large amounts. There is also the possibility of unstoppable bleeding and an immediate call to a doctor.

Known to trigger Anaphylaxis

This is a severe allergic reaction that takes place in the body. It does so because it releases Th2 cells responsible for allergic reactions.

Act as a hormone disruptor

It can bind to estrogen and androgen receptors. This disrupts the hormone.

A wonderful spice, elaichi or cardamom adds flavor to life. Take advantage of the wonderful benefits of this incredible spice by consuming it in safe quantities. If you use it in large amounts, it will have side effects on you. Using anything properly is a blessing, but using it excessively is a curse.


al Zuhair, H., el Sayeh, B., Ameen, H. A., and al Shoora, H. Pharmacological studies of cardamom oil in animals. Pharmacol.Res 1996;34(1-2):79-82

Gilani, A. H., Jabeen, Q., Khan, A. U., and Shah, A. J. Gut modulatory, blood pressure-lowering, diuretic and sedative activities of cardamom. J Ethnopharmacol. 2-12-2008;115(3):463-472

Bhaswant M, Poudyal H, Mathai ML, et al. Green and black cardamom in a diet-induced rat model of metabolic syndrome. Nutrients 2015;7(9):7691-707

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2 thoughts on “8 Side Effects of Elaichi or Cardamom”

  1. Side effects mentioned here are not scientifically proved. Cardamom oil and use of cardamom as such are two different things. Use of cardamom in green tea and as spice in the foods in moderate quantity is beneficial.

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